Farm Security Admin. (FSA) Color Images

          Best known for haunting black & white images of the Great Depression by Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange and others, the Farm Security Administration’s photography project provided color film to a few photographers about 1940.

          Kat Hannaford on Gizmodo offers six superb examples of the results.  There’s much to note in all six.  But the thing that caught my eye was the paint-bucket sized container of Karo Syrup on the dinner table in image six.  Remember in To Kill a Mockingbird how shocked Scout was when she ate with the poor white kids who poured Karo on everything?

          Flickr offers a much wider selection.  Exploring these images from 70 years ago is a great way to blow off a very rainy day – at least until the power goes off and we return to semblance of the Vermont farm life in the pictures.


H/T:  Jotham Kinder for the Gizmodo link.